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Potomac River Tunnel

The next major phase of the DC Clean Rivers Project.

The project consists of a large-diameter deep sewer tunnel, diversion facilities, drop shafts, and support structures to capture flows from existing combined sewer overflows (CSOs) along the Potomac River and convey them to the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plan for treatment. The project is needed to reduce CSOs that contribute to water quality impairment of the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay...

Read more about the project on DC Water's website :


DC Water's Press Release

"DC Water Awards $819 Millon Contract for Potomac River Tunnel"

Project Updates

End 2023 - Project Award

DC Water awarded the Potomac River Tunnel Project to CBNA-Halmar Clean Rivers Joint Venture

Early 2024 - West Potomac Park Site Setup

The First Construction Site Installation is starting early 2024 in West Potomac Park.

Project Gallery

Construction works are starting early 2024 in West Potomac Park.


Our two Tunnel Boring Machines will be launched from West Potomac Park

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